Notts Pride is for everyone: here are the ways the event is more accessible
Designated space in the march for people with disabilities and wheelchair users. Look out for the flag between the trees next to M&S at the bottom of Albert Street. This part of the march won’t be as crowded. The back of the March is much quieter if you prefer less noise.
British Sign Language interpreters will be on the Main Stage on Heathcoat Street all day, signing lyrics and speeches.
Assistance dogs are welcome in all locations.
Extra toilets have been provided in the area. These will be located on St Mary’s Gate near Lace Market Square and behind the stage on Heathcoat Street. An access toilet has also been provided at each of these locations.
A designated access viewing area near the front of the stage will be available for wheelchair users and anyone who needs a better view of the BSL interpreters.
Lace Market Square has been designated as a quiet space for those that need a break from the crowds. Chairs will be set out for a sit down and a breather.
All of our stewards and security staff are aware of these measures and will be happy to help on the day.